Any questions you might have, before booking, or once booking has been confirmed, please use ‘Contact’ on my profile page to send me a message.
Feed-in braids uses a method that gives the illusion of natural, full braids by "feeding in" synthetic hair with your natural hair beyond the start of your hairline. With regular cornrows, you will start each braid with a knot to mix your hair with the synthetic hair. With feed-in braids it looks like your natural hair.
Please note:
- Hair is NOT included
- X-pression/Impression hair can be provided at £3 per pack. Use ‘Contact’ on my store page once you have made a booking to let me know if you want me to provide it and in what colour.
Late fee policy: Grace period of 10 minutes.
- You will be charged £5 for 10-15 minutes of lateness
- £10 for 15-20 minutes
- We reserve the right to cancel an appointment should you be delayed by 20 minutes or more, as it may impact other appointments scheduled. However, we understand things can happen and we will accommodate you if we can.
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