Any questions you might have, before booking, or once booking has been confirmed, please use ‘Contact’ on my profile page to send me a message.
Please note:
- This service is for pre-made frontal wigs. This includes:
- Bleaching of knots
- Plucking of hairline
- Tinting of lace
- Wig install
- Styling of wig
- Cutting of hair (£10)
- Cornrowing hair (£10) - if you require this service please ensure that your hair is washed and clean.
If you have previously booked this service, please log in and leave your review.
— PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING — Any questions you might have, before booking, or once booking has been confirmed, please use ‘Contact’ on my profile page to send me a message. — Late Fee Policy There is a 15 minute grace period. If you are later than 15 minutes then an additional £10 will be added to your grand total. If you are more than 30 minutes late your appointment will either be cancelled or rescheduled. Thank you x
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