Any questions you might have, before booking, or once booking has been confirmed, please use ‘Contact’ on my profile page to send me a message.
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— PLEASE READ BEFORE BOOKING — Any questions you might have, before booking, or once booking has been confirmed, please use ‘Contact’ on my profile page to send me a message. Please ensure you are fully prepared by having your hair washed and blow dried and free from any products such as oils, leave-in conditioners and creams. If you wish to have your hair washed, that is an additional £10. If you wish to have you hair blow-dried, that is an additional £10. Hair Extensions Hair NOT included but can be provided for an additional cost. X-pression hair can be provided at £2.5 per pack. Afro kinky hair can be provided at £6 per pack Freetress, Cherish can be provided for £6 per pack Use ‘Contact’ on my store page once you have made a booking to let me know if you want me to provide it. If you bring your own hair, for braids styles, you must ensure that extensions are 'pre-stretched' or 'pre-pulled'. Recommended brands are Impression and Xpression however. If in doubt you can send a message using the 'Contact' button on my profile page. Most braided hairstyles require 2-3 packs of hair.
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